
This page is only meant to guide you through the use of formatting codes with Erebot, it is not meant as a complete documentation of how styles work with IRC. If you want more, ask your favourite search engine ;-)

Erebot provides two ways to format messages. Both methods are described here.

Please note that using raw codes (method 1) is considered bad practice. Advanced formatting (method 2) should be used in new code.

Method #1 : raw codes


This method is now deprecated and should not be used in new code. This is because messages written using this method are very hard to internationalize. Please use the second method instead.

The formatting API provides constants for the raw control codes that make up styles. There are also constants for colors, see the source code for details.

For example:

    $user = "Foobar";

    // Using pseudo-HTML, this is the same as:
    // "<b>Hi <u>$user</u></b>"
    $message =  Erebot_Styling::CODE_BOLD.
                    "Hi ".
    print $message . PHP_EOL;

The example above would display Hi Foobar. The message would be displayed in bold, with the user’s nickname underlined when sent to an IRC server.

Method #2 : “advanced formatting”

This method aims at separating the process of designing the format string from the process of actually rendering it (producing the string that would be sent to an IRC server).

It uses an XML syntax to design the format string and a simple API to do the rendering. This syntax is generally more verbose than the previous one, but is also a lot easier to use and read. Moreover, each message is validated (using a RelaxNG schema [1]), making it impossible to build invalid templates.

[1]For more information on RelaxNG schemae, see

Designing the format string

The format string contains XML tags which are recognized by the bot and allow you to achieve many different formatting combinations.

Currently, the following tags are available:

  • <b> = bold
  • <u> = underline
  • <color> = change the (foreground and/or background) color of the text. This tag recognizes two optional attributes:
    • fg (optional) = changes the foreground color. The color’s name should be one of the COLOR_ constants defined in the styling class, with the COLOR_ prefix stripped (eg. red). The color’s name is case-insensitive.
    • bg (optional) = changes the background color. See the description of fg for valid values.


At least one of the fg or bg must be provided, otherwise the message will be rejected as invalid.

  • <for> = loop other an array to format its content. This tag recognizes 2 required attributes and some optional ones:

    • from (required) = name of the variable which contains the array to format.
    • item (required) = a variable which will be created to store each value in the array (in turn).
    • key (optional) = a variable which will be created to store the key for that value (useful for associative arrays like in our example above).
    • separator (optional) = a separator to add between all entries in the array, except for the last two. Defaults to a comma followed by a single space.
    • sep (optional) = alias for separator.
    • last_separator (optional) = a separator to add between the last 2 entries of the array. If no separator attribute has been set, defaults to an ampersand between two spaces. Otherwise, defaults to the value of the separator attribute.
    • last_sep (optional) = alias for last_separator.
  • <var> = insert the value of the given variable at this point. The value will be rendered in a locale-dependent way, depending on the type of variable used. This tag accepts one attribute:

    • name (required) = variable to insert. See template variables below for the various syntaxes supported by this attribute.
  • <plural> = use the correct plural form for that sentence. This tag has a required attribute called var that is used to determine the correct plural form to use. See template variables below for the various syntaxes supported by this attribute.

    The content of this attribute should evaluate to an integer. Depending on the locale in use and this number, the appropriate plural form will be selected from a set of possibilities (cases).

    A <plural> tag contains one or more <case> subtags. Each <case> contains some inline text and comes with a required form attribute indicating when this text should be used [2].

    You MUST add a <case> subtag with the special form called other. This special form will be used when no specific rule applies for this word’s plural.

[2]The page at lists all available forms.


If you’re used to gettext’s syntax for plurals (using a predicate and a fixed array of translations), you’ll notice the format used here is much more flexible, as it enables one to write something such as:

There is/are <x> girl(s) and <y> boy(s) in this classroom.

using the correct form for each word (noun or verb), while gettext would require you to either split the text in multiple sentences or define a complicated predicate to retrieve the correct plural.

Also, please note that although gettext is used to store translations, the plural handling mechanism from gettext is never used by Erebot (ie. Erebot never calls ngettext or its variants). Instead, each message embeds both the singular and plural forms and an algorithm is used at runtime to decide which of the forms should be used.


See also the documentation on the formatting API for more information.

Strong typing

Each variable in a template has an associated type. The following classes are available by default to represent some of the most common types:


Represents an integer.

    $formatter = new Erebot_Styling($translator);
    $source = '<var name="leet"/>';
    $vars = array('leet' => new Erebot_Styling_Integer(1337));

    // This may be rendered as "1 337",
    // depending on the translator's locale.
    echo $formatter->_($source, $vars) . PHP_EOL;

Represents a string. The value will be passed as is.

    $formatter = new Erebot_Styling($translator);
    $source = '<var name="name"/>';
    $vars = array('name' => new Erebot_Styling_String('Clicky'));
    echo $formatter->_($source, $vars) . PHP_EOL;

Represents a floating-point value.

    $formatter = new Erebot_Styling($translator);
    $source = '<var name="avg"/>';
    $vars = array('avg' => new Erebot_Styling_Float(1234.56));

    // This would be rendered as "1 234,56" in french.
    echo $formatter->_($source, $vars) . PHP_EOL;

Represents a monetary value expressed in some currency.

    $formatter = new Erebot_Styling($translator);
    $source = '<var name="price"/>';

    // Note: the currency can be passed as an additional parameter.
    // If omitted, the currency from the locale configured in the
    // $transator is used.
    $vars = array('price' => new Erebot_Styling_Currency(1234.567, 'EUR'));

    // This would be rendered as "€1,234.57" for US english.
    // Note that monetary values are rounded to two places.
    echo $formatter->_($source, $vars) . PHP_EOL;

Represents a date and/or time. Some extra values (passed as additional parameters to this class) are necessary to represent such data. Thus, the arguments for this class’ constructor are:

  • $value

    Either a DateTime object, an integer representing some Unix timestamp (seconds since Epoch, UTC) or an array using the same format as what is output by the localtime() PHP function.


    DateTime objects are only supported since PHP 5.3.4, you should not rely on them in code intended to be backward compatible.

  • $datetype

    One of IntlDateFormatter::NONE, IntlDateFormatter::FULL, IntlDateFormatter::LONG, IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM or IntlDateFormatter::SHORT [3]. This indicates how the date part of the value will be represented.

  • $timetype

    One of IntlDateFormatter::NONE, IntlDateFormatter::FULL, IntlDateFormatter::LONG, IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM or IntlDateFormatter::SHORT. This indicates how the time part of the value will be represented.

  • $timezone

    A timezone identifier (such as “Europe/Paris”). This value is ignored when a Unix timestamp is passed as the $value.

    $formatter = new Erebot_Styling($translator);
    $source = '<var name="now"/>';
    $vars = array(
        'now' => new Erebot_Styling_DateTime(

    // In US English, this may be rendered like this:
    // "Wednesday, December 31, 1969 4:00:00 PM PT".
    echo $formatter->_($source, $vars) . PHP_EOL;
[3]See for the meaning of each one of these constants.

Represents a duration in spelled out form, with a precision up to the seconds.

    $formatter = new Erebot_Styling($translator);
    $source = '<var name="duration"/>';
    $vars = array('duration' => new Erebot_Styling_Duration(1389722));

    // This would be rendered as:
    // "2 weeks, 2 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes, 2 seconds" in english.
    echo $formatter->_($source, $vars) . PHP_EOL;


If you need to represent a value without any modification, pass it as a string or wrap it in an instance of Erebot_Styling_String.


For basic scalar types (integer, string or float), the API will wrap the value automatically for you using the appropriate class (Erebot_Styling_Integer, Erebot_Styling_String or Erebot_Styling_Float, respectively). Arrays do not need to be wrapped in any class (but their values do!).

You may change the default classes used to wrap scalar types for a specific template using the setClass() method, eg:

    $translator = new Erebot_I18n();
    $tpl = new Erebot_Styling($translator);

    // Change the classes used to wrap basic scalar types.
    $tpl->setClass('int',       'Custom_Int_Wrapper');
    $tpl->setClass('string',    'Custom_String_Wrapper');
    $tpl->setClass('float',     'Custom_Float_Wrapper');

    // Use $tpl as we'd normally do.

Template variables

When referencing a variable from a template using the <var name="..."/> or <plural var="..."/> tags, various syntaxes are available.

Hence, ... may actually contain:

  • Actual variable passed to the template, eg. <var name="foo"/>.

  • The sum or difference between two integer or floating-point values, eg. <var name="foo+bar"/> or <var name="foo-bar">. Both types may be combined together (so, “foo” may refer to an integer, while “bar” refers to a floating-point value).

    You may use litteral integer or floating-point values as well, eg. <var name="years-18"/> or <var name="century+1"/>.


    As a special bonus, you may also use the add operator (+) to append the values of one array to another using array_merge. The original arrays are left intact when this feature is used.


    Any attempt to add or subtract values from incompatible types (eg. adding the value of an integer to a string) will result in an exception being thrown. In particular, subtracting one array from another is not supported yet.


    There is currently no plan to support the multiply (*) or divide (/) operators.

  • Parenthesized expressions, eg. <var name="totalCards-(nbCards+1)"/>.

  • The number of elements in an array passed to the template, using the “count operator” (#), eg. <var name="#scores"/>.


    The count operator as higher precedence on the add/subtract operators, meaning that it is applied before any addition/substraction, unless parenthesis are used to override this.


    Use of the count operator on any other type may lead to unpredictable results.

  • Whitespace (spaces or tabs), eg. <var name="boys    +   girls"/>. Such whitespace is ignored while processing the variable.


    Due to limitations in the XML syntax, is it not possible to use newlines as whitespace.

  • Any combination of the previous syntaxes, eg. <var name=" # ( boys + girls ) "/> where boys and girls both refer to arrays.


Please keep in mind that variable names are case-sensitive. Any attempt to use an undefined variable in a template will result in an exception.

Using templates in your code

Once the format string has been designed, you (as a programmer, not as a designer) must add a few lines in your code in order to use it.

This is usually done with the following steps:

  1. Create an instance of Erebot_Styling by passing a translator object (an object implementing the Erebot_Interface_I18n interface) to its constructor. This is the creation step, where a formatter is created and bound to a translator.

  2. Prepare the values (either scalar types, objects implementing the Erebot_Interface_Styling_Variable interface or arrays made of scalar types/objects) that will be used in the template. This is the preparation step, where everything is setup for the final step.


    Variable names may only contain alphanumeric characters or the underscore (_) and dot (.) characters.


    While designing the template, keep in mind that variable names are case-sensitive.

  3. Render the template (with $fmt->render() or $fmt->_()) and use the result of that process in your code (eg. send it to an IRC channel). This is the rendering step.

        // The source for a template meant to display
        // the scores of each player in a fictitious game.
        $source =   '<b>Scores</b>: '.
                    '<for item="score" key="nick" from="scores" '.
                        'separator=", " last_separator=" &amp; ">'.
                                '<color fg="green">'.
                                    '<var name="nick"/>'.
                            ': <var name="score"/>'.
        // Step 1:
        // Create a new translator and a new template from it.
        // By default, the locale for the translator is "en_US".
        $translator = new Erebot_I18n();
        $formatter  = new Erebot_Styling($translator);
        // Step 2:
        // Prepare some variables for the template.
        $vars = array(
            'scores' => array(
                'Foo' => 42,
                'Bar' => 23,
                'Baz' => 16,
                'Qux' => 15,
                'Toto' => 8,
                'Tata' => 4,
        // Step 3:
        // Render the template with the given scores.
        // This results in something like:
        // "Scores: Foo: 42, Bar: 23, Baz: 16, Qux: 15, Toto: 8 & Tata: 4"
        // with most of the words represented in bold
        // and the nicknames in green and underlined.
        // Note: since we used "_()" to render the template,
        //       a translation is automatically selected (if available).
        echo $formatter->_($source, array('scores' => $scores)) . PHP_EOL;

Here, $source has been split over many lines to make it easier to figure out how the final message will look like. The template could actually be written in a much more compact way.

You do not need to wrap your template ($source) in XML tags manually, the bot already adds an enclosing tag automatically for you.

Also, the format string could be retrieved from anywhere:

  • an array in a PHP script,
  • an external process (eg. a database),
  • a translation catalog (MO file),
  • etc.

We prefer to have customizable format strings in a translation catalog, as this gives more control to translators over the result and it is a format they are used to working with.


Plurals are handled gracefully by Erebot using the <plural> and <case> tags.

Taking the sentence from earlier as an example:

There is/are <x> girl(s) and <y> boy(s) in this classroom.

The equivalent as a template would be:


    $msg = 'There '.
            '<plural var="#(girls+boys)"/>'.
                '<case form="one">is</case>'.
                '<case form="other">are</case>'.
            '</plural> '.
            '<plural var="girls"/>'.
                '<case form="one">one girl</case>'.
                '<case form="other"><var name="girls"/> girls</case>'.
            '</plural> '.
            'and '.
            '<plural var="boys"/>'.
                '<case form="one">one boy</case>'.
                '<case form="other"><var name="boys"/> boys</case>'.
            '</plural> '.
            'in this classroom';

    $formatter = new Erebot_Styling(new Erebot_I18n());

    // Displays "There is one girl and 0 boys in this classroom".
    echo $formatter->_($msg, array('girls' => 1, 'boys' => 0)) . PHP_EOL;

    // Displays "There are 2 girls and one boy in this classroom".
    echo $formatter->_($msg, array('girls' => 2, 'boys' => 1)) . PHP_EOL;

    // Displays "There are one girl and 2 boys in this classroom".
    echo $formatter->_($msg, array('girls' => 1, 'boys' => 2)) . PHP_EOL;

Notice how we represented the actual counts using either a spelled out form (“one girl” / “one boy”) or an actual number (“2 girls” / “2 boys”), simply by specifying different words for the different <cases>.

You’ll also notice that this string is electable for Internationalization. Translators have full control over the template used to render the sentence and could easily adapt it to the plural rules used in their country.


There are often many different ways to represent the same message using templates. Here, we grouped words that were affected by the same variable together. Once again, translators are the ones in charge here. This is very important because they know better than you how the sentence should look like in their language.

Further reading

The documentation on the formatting API always reflects the latest features implemented, while this page may sometime fall a little behind in what it showcases (please open a ticket if you notice any discrepancy!).