Writing a new module

This page acts like a guide for those who may be interested in writing a new module for Erebot. It assumes basic knowledge of some of the features provided by Erebot for developers (such as the styling features and i18n features).

Quick start

To quickly create the file structure for a new module, you can start by cloning/forking the git repository for the Module_Skeleton virtual module. This will provide you with the basic structure and necessary files.

Please note that the Module_Skeleton module uses Composer to handle dependencies, and so, it is worth reading Composer’s documentation <https://getcomposer.org/doc/> if you are new to PHP packages and dependency management.

General structure

An Erebot module is a PHP class that extends Erebot_Module_Base. As such, it must have at least two methods (declared abstract in Erebot_Module_Base):

  • _reload() is called when the module is (re)loaded with some flags giving more information about what must be (re)loaded. The flags are a bitwise-OR combination of the RELOAD_* constants found in Erebot_Module_Base.
  • _unload() is called when the module is unloaded. Its purpose is to free any resource that may have been allocated by _reload(), save the current state elsewhere, etc.


When a module is reloaded, only _reload() is called. The only time _unload() is ever called is when the module is being completely unloaded (usually, right before the bot exits).

Providing help


Adding an help method to your module is totally optional, but it is considered good practice as it provides some way for users to request help on your new module and its commands without having to read some online manual.

To provide help for your module, all you need is a method that handles help requests. The name of that method does not matter (though this method is called getHelp() in all modules that ship with Erebot).

When someone requests help on a module or command, the help methods are looked up in order to find one that will acknowledge the request (see below). This may result in one or more help methods being called to handle the request.

The help method must use the following signature.

public function getHelp(
    Erebot_Interface_Event_Base_TextMessage $event,
    Erebot_Interface_TextWrapper            $words

This method is responsible for either acknowledging the help request (by returning TRUE) or ignoring it (by returning FALSE or by not returning anything at all). If your method chooses to ignore the help request, the next help method in line will be called with the same parameters, until either a method acknowledges the request or there are no more help methods to try.

$event will contain the original request as an event. This will either be an event that implements the Erebot_Interface_Event_Base_Private interface if the request was sent as a private query, or an event implementing the Erebot_Interface_Event_Base_Chan interface if it came from an IRC channel.

$words contains the content of the request (derived from the text in the original request in $event), wrapped to make it easier to look at individual words.

Now, there are two types of requests:

  • Requests for help on the module itself (!help Foo). In that case, $words will contain only one word: the name of the module itself inside the \\Erebot\\Module namespace—Foo in this case.
  • Requests for help on a command/topic (!help foo, !help foo bar...). In that case, $words will contain 2 or more words:
    • The name of the current module.
    • The name of the command (foo).
    • Any additional parameters (bar...).

You can find out which type of request is in use by simply counting the number of words in $words, which is very easy as the wrapper implements the Countable interface:

// If it's 1, it is a request for help on the module itself.
// Otherwise, it's a request for help on some command/topic.
$nbWords = count($words);


Erebot has now way (yet) to know what module provides a given command/topic, so for such help requests, it calls every module’s help method with the request until one acknowledges it.

This means that your help method may receive requests about commands or topics it knows nothing about. You must ignore such requests (by returning FALSE or nothing at all) and you must not send a message indicating an error in the request to the user.

The listing below shows an example of a very simple help method for an imaginary module:

public function getHelp(
    Erebot_Interface_Event_Base_TextMessage $event,
    Erebot_Interface_TextWrapper            $words
    if ($event instanceof Erebot_Interface_Event_Base_Private) {
        $target = $event->getSource();
        $chan   = NULL;
        $target = $chan = $event->getChan();

    $fmt        = $this->getFormatter($chan);
    $moduleName = strtolower(get_class());
    $nbArgs     = count($words);

    // Help request on the module itself.
    if ($nbArgs == 1 && $words[0] == $moduleName) {
        $msg = $fmt->_('This is an <b>imaginary</b> module.');

        // We send the message back to where the request came from:
        // in a private query or an IRC channel.
        $this->sendMessage($target, $msg);
        return TRUE;

    // This module does not care about other help requests.
    // So we don't return anything here. This is the same
    // as if "return;" or "return NULL;" had been used.


We used the getFormatter() method here to be able to format the help message (to make “imaginary” appear in bold in the output). We also used the formatter’s _() method to mark the message for translating. This is the recommended practice.

Once the code for your help method is ready, you have to tell Erebot about it by using the registerHelpMethod() method inside your module’s reload() method. You must call registerHelpMethod() with an object implementing the \Erebot\CallableInterface interface and referring to your method.

This can be done using the following snippet:

// We register our help method (here, the getHelp() method
// from the current object) by wrapping a callback-compatible
// value referring to it a special wrapper object.
$this->registerHelpMethod(\Erebot\CallableWrapper::wrap(array($this, 'getHelp')));

Alternatively, you may mark your module as implementing the \Erebot\Interfaces\HelpEnabled interface. In that case, the bot will automatically register the module’s getHelp() method as the help method.

Frequently Asked Questions

This sections contains random questions about modules’ development.

What features can I use in a new module?

You can use any of the many features provided by the PHP language. This includes things such as sockets, databases, etc.

Are there patterns I should avoid?

Even though you can do pretty much anything you want in a module, you should avoid long running tasks such as downloading a big file from a remote server.

The reason is simple: PHP does not support multithreading [1], so while a long running task is being executed, the rest of the bot is literally stopped. This includes other modules responsible for keeping the connection alive (eg. ErebotModulePingReply). Hence, running a long task in your module may result in the bot being disconnected from IRC servers with a “Ping timeout” error.

[1]This is not entirely true anymore, as there is now an extension that brings the power of pthreads to PHP. Anyway, PHP does not natively support them and the extension has a few issues of its own. See https://github.com/krakjoe/pthreads for more information.